Coop's Corner

Joe Cooper, WindCheck’s intrepid Contributing Editor, muses on everything from exploring the waters of his native Australia as a young’un to his time as an America’s Cup crewman…and especially his passion for getting young people out sailing.

Coop's Corner

Diary of a Weekend

By Joe Cooper

Diary of a Weekend

Australian born, Joe ‘Coop’ Cooper stayed in the US after the 1980 America’s Cup where he was the boat captain and sailed as Grinder/Sewer-man on Australia. His whole career has focused on sailing, especially the short-handed aspects of it. He lives in Middletown, RI

Coop's Corner

Young Sailors: Fueling the Passion

By Joe Cooper

Young Sailors: Fueling the Passion

When I started coaching the high school sailing team at The Prout School in Wakefield, Rhode Island seven years ago, I was astounded to learn the sailing season stopped at the end of May. Just when the kids were getting comfortable in the boats, camaraderie was building and I was remembering who was who, it all stopped.

Coop's Corner

The Water Rat is Right

By Joe Cooper

The Water Rat is Right

Growing the sport of sailing, bringing existing young sailors into sailing for life, developing skills so they can be viable crew on big boats, and looking at ways to diminish the post-college sailor flameout are but a few.

Coop's Corner

Transit Transat

By Joe Cooper

Transit Transat

Comprising many aspects of Tim O’Brien’s vision, One°15 Brooklyn Marina is in equal parts town dock, sailing club, sailing school, youth sailing site and marina.

Coop's Corner

Zen and the Art of Sailing

By Joe Cooper

Zen and the Art of Sailing

Much is made in today’s culture about the balance of life. Soccer practice or violin, drive or train, respond to dumb question or let it pass…As with life, so is sailing all about balance in the moment: Very Zen-like.

Coop's Corner

Sail(ing) to Bermuda

By Joe Cooper

Sail(ing) to Bermuda

If you are sailing in the Newport Bermuda Race this year, even as crew, there is a lot going on. A very important part of all the activity is figuring out the sails. There are three required sails and an assumed fourth one, the mainsail.

Coop's Corner

Solo, or Alone

By Joe Cooper

Solo, or Alone

Joe, a relative fixture in Northeast solo sailing circles, had thrown a “Thank you” party prior to his departure on a solo non-stop lap of The Blue Marble. The declared intention: breaking the present record of some 137 days or so for such a voyage.

Coop's Corner

Analog Digits

By Joe Cooper

Analog Digits

I know this seems like I am knocking innovation, progress, and development. But really, when I want to go sailing, I want to get away from all this stuff and actually exercise a skill and dexterity honed over years of actually sailing. Knowing just the right time to pull hard on the sheet, or grind when tacking so as to get the best result from the effort. I want me to learn, not the bloody computer.

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