
From dinghies and hydrofoils to offshore races and sail training aboard tall ships, these are exciting times for young sailors…many of whom actually write the stories in this section!



By Benjamin Cesare


Sailing is a great lifelong sport that encompasses a range of ages, abilities, and degrees of seriousness, and one aspect that’s vital to keeping the sport going is sportsmanship.


Practice: You Should Too!

By Benjamin Cesare

Practice: You Should Too!

When done right, training can be highly effective and FUN! With a concrete goal in mind, the most important step to quality training is to have a plan. Once on the water, constant review and repetition is key. Afterwards, revisit and discuss so that improvements made can be put into effect at your next regatta.


Implementing an EAP

By Chris Szepessy

Implementing an EAP

The Noroton Yacht Club Junior Sailing instructors worked with Post 53 of the Darien Emergency Medical Services to conduct a simulation of our Emergency Action Plan (EAP).


Roll Tacks

By Benjamin Cesare

Roll Tacks

Whether you’re just getting started in high school sailing or are looking to compete on the top levels, you will find that good tacks are essential to success. Let’s look at the mechanics of a good roll tack in the 420 and Flying Junior and some drills you can do to practice your tacks.

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