Publisher's Log

Ben Cesare, WindCheck’s owner and Publisher, checks in every month with thoughts about sailors, sailing and life on the water.

Publisher's Log

Happy New Year!

By Benjamin Cesare

Happy New Year!

This issue rocks! Call me biased and yes, I nearly broke my arm patting our team and all the contributors on the back in December. But this one has content that the WindCheck Community truly represents from cover to cover. I’m thinking about adding distribution at ski areas this month so folks have something to relish in between runs, over a cup of chili. Just don’t stuff it in the boot bag at the end of the…

Publisher's Log

Experiencing the Joy of Sailing…and Giving!

By Benjamin Cesare

Experiencing the Joy of Sailing…and Giving!

Hmmmm…so much to talk about. Let’s begin with the issue you’re holding in your hands. It is the last WindCheck of 2018. It’s also the shortest in terms of pages. But it might be the best one of my tenure. We tackled a number of large projects for this “two-month” issue and I am extremely proud of the WindCheck team on how they came out. First up, we put a ribbon on the “Optimist vs What” conversation…

Publisher's Log

Resume Hand Wringing!

By Benjamin Cesare

Resume Hand Wringing!

I think the Optimist stinks as an early trainer. Here is why. Like all sports, we are introducing our kids to sailing at a younger and younger age. It used to be 9 years old, and now programs start as young as 6. What does a typical 9 year old like? They tend to like other kids and want to be in close proximity to them. They don’t like to be scared. They don’t really have a handle on “seamanship” nor, unless they are gifted, the physics of sailing. And finally, sad to say, they may be a bit more spoiled than prior generations and like quick satisfaction (digital!) so menial chores, like bailing, turn them off more quickly.

Publisher's Log

Let’s Go!

By Benjamin Cesare

Let’s Go!

I guess it’s natural to worry about the lack of growth or progress in anything we are passionate about. There is certainly no lack of hand wringing about how hard it is getting kids involved in sailing and keeping them engaged. Almost every day in Scuttlebutt, there seems to be a success story juxtaposed with a lament that we are not doing it right.

Publisher's Log

Over Exposed?

By Benjamin Cesare

Over Exposed?

Photographer Rick Bannerot nailed it. The image is perfect, from the light to the horizon to the angle that captures her lovely sheer. And, of course, her owners, Pam Rorke Levy & Matt Brooks, and crew are sailing her beautifully, everyone going about their business, sails trimmed perfectly including the matching curls in the spinnakers.

Publisher's Log

Don’t let Perfect be the enemy of Good (enough)

By Benjamin Cesare

Don’t let Perfect be the enemy of Good (enough)

My father was an artisan. He loved craft and beauty. So much so that as a kid, if I wanted to fashion a new Laser tiller in his shop, I had to be sure to cut and drill the Montreal hockey stick and attach the PVC tube for a tiller extension when he was not around. Otherwise, while he might appreciate my logic for the weight-to-strength ratio of those laminated Montreal shafts, he would be far more concerned with why I had not chosen mahogany.

Publisher's Log

Planning Ahead to May

By Benjamin Cesare

Planning Ahead to May

For me, it has truly been a period of reawakening. I have been working with the dedicated WindCheck team to carry on the sixteen year tradition of this great publication and been scheming on how we might improve it for the future.

Publisher's Log

Coming About

By Chris Gill

Coming About

I am excited to share the news with you that Anne and I are passing the helm of WindCheck to a really great guy who is going to take the magazine forward and build upon what we started.

Publisher's Log

To-Do List

By Chris Gill

To-Do List

I dislike the use of the term ‘Bucket List’ to order those events or experiences we wish to do before it’s ‘too late.’ We all have things we’d love to see and accomplish, and regardless, everything we do is on our so-called bucket list because, well, you ain’t gonna summit Everest after you’ve kicked it unless someone carries you up there in a tin can. I have my, call it, ‘to-do list’ and Everest is nowhere on…

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