Waiting for the Launch

By Benjamin Cesare

Waiting for the Launch

I was becoming increasingly annoyed with the long wait for the club tender to return to the dock and bring me out to my boat. The dog-day heat was melting my freshly purchased ice and the launch was nowhere in sight. I dreamily gazed out at the fleet in the August haze and began to take a trip in the way-back machine of my mind. I drifted back to a sizzling day like this in the late 1950s when I was in my early teens.

What's New

What’s New for 2017

By Benjamin Cesare

What’s New for 2017

What’s new for 2017: Block Island Race Week, Warrior Sailing, SailAhead, Marion Bermuda, Oakcliff, Offshore Sailing School, clean regattas, NESS, Moorings, BVI Airways, Lake Champlain Sailing, Safety at sea videos, One Simple Question

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