Yachting History

Yachting History

Indian Harbor Junior Yacht Club Celebrates Its Centennial in 2023

By Chris Szepessy

Indian Harbor Junior Yacht Club Celebrates Its Centennial in 2023

Not many clubs can boast of having supported junior sailing for 100 years. Indian Harbor Yacht Club in Greenwich, CT is proud to be among the few. Started in 1923, the Club’s junior sailing program has given thousands of children, those of members and non-members alike, an appreciation for the “sport of yachting.” To celebrate this momentous occasion, alumni of the junior sailing program and former instructors are invited to return to the Club on Saturday, June…

Yachting History

Fox and Kirby: Planing Pioneers 1920 to 2021

By Tom Darling

Fox and Kirby: Planing Pioneers 1920 to 2021

By Tom Darling, Conversations with Classic Boats This boating history is one of connecting the dots of boat design over almost a century, with names that are larger than life: Uffa Fox, Bruce Kirby, Dr. Stuart Walker. Their common heritage is small boat performance sailing. As a sailor in Long Island Sound who escaped the slow and steady Blue Jay and Lightning for the speed and trills of the Thistle and the Laser, I can identify. I…

Yachting History

Story Boats: The Tales They Tell

By Tom Darling

Story Boats: The Tales They Tell

Great boats make great stories. Iconic small boats and the stories that launched them – that is the subject of the new exhibit, Story Boats, at Mystic Seaport Museum (MSM) opening May 28 in the Collins Gallery at the Thompson Exhibition building on the Museum campus in Mystic, CT. Just a few of more than 400 small boats at Mystic Seaport Museum   Story Boats: The Tales They Tell is the brainchild of MSM’s Senior Director of…

Yachting History

Carleton Mitchell and the Chesapeake Bay Log Canoe

By Tom Darling

Carleton Mitchell and the Chesapeake Bay Log Canoe

By Tom Darling In the fall of 2020, we followed in the wake of an iconic yachtsman, photographer, raconteur, all-around waterman, and tropical sailing pioneer. That would be Carleton Mitchell, born in 1910, who filled the 20th century with the writing on sailing that defined the activity of “cruising.” “Mitch,” as his friends called him, was a modern day Odysseus; his quest was to show the West Indies, its water, its people, its boats, to a curious…


From the Herreshoff Archives

By Chris Szepessy

From the Herreshoff Archives

  Editor’s note: Our friends at the Herreshoff Marine Museum & America’s Cup Hall of Fame in Bristol, Rhode Island are celebrating their Golden Jubilee year – the 50th anniversary of the museum’s founding, and WindCheck is honored to be the official Jubilee Media Partner. We’re changing course for this month’s Golden Jubilee feature with a look at a few of the museum’s countless archival images. Most of the photographs shown here appeared in The Chronicle, a paper newsletter…

Yachting History

Mythological Gods of the Sea

By Chris Szepessy

Mythological Gods of the Sea

A handy guide for sailors By Joan Wenner, J.D. Most of us sailors have thanked one or more Gods of the Sea on more than one occasion for safely delivering us from a potential disaster. In veteran sailor John Kretschmer’s 2014 highly popular book Sailing A Serious Ocean: Sailboats, Storms, Stories, and Lessons Learned from 30 Years at Sea (and I might add more than 300,000 offshore sailing miles, circumnavigations, numerous transatlantic an transpacific crossings, and captaining…

Yachting History

A Century of Sixes

By Tom Darling

A Century of Sixes

In Oyster Bay, New York, in the basement of the oldest yacht club in America, born 1871, there is a vault. In that vault and on the paneled walls of that club is the history of the oldest, most venerable racing class on the continent, in photo and half model. The club is the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club. The class is the International Six Metre. From the 19th century roots of the boat that evolved into the…

Yachting History

Alerion: Past, Present and Future Perfect Part II: The Big Bird Rises: Alerion III Reborn in New England (1977 to present)

By Tom Darling

Alerion: Past, Present and Future Perfect Part II: The Big Bird Rises: Alerion III Reborn in New England (1977 to present)

By Tom Darling In Part I of this article (windcheckmagazine.com/article/alerion-past-present-and-future-part-1-whats-an-alerion-1913-1977-perfect/), we detailed the design and early history of Alerion III, Capt. Nathanael Herreshoff’s favorite of dozens of personal boats. When we left Captain Nat in the 1920s, he had retired to Florida in an Alerion derivative named Pleasure and spent his eighties going into the Great Depression. He was on the sidelines for the rise of the mighty J Boats, designed by new blood like Burgess and…

Yachting History

The Narragansett Bay Yachting Association

By Chris Szepessy

The Narragansett Bay Yachting Association

By Dave Easterbrooks and Chip Hawkins In February of 1938, twelve sailors representing yachts clubs from around Narragansett Bay gathered at Rhode Island Yacht Club. RIYC was a fitting gathering place, as it was the oldest yacht club in Rhode Island – chartered in 1875 as the Providence Yacht Club and renamed the Rhode Island Yacht Club in 1887. The 1887 name change coincided with the construction of an impressive clubhouse on Great Rock at Stillhouse Cove…

Yachting History

Why the Book?

By Chris Szepessy

Why the Book?

By Ron Breault Editor’s note: Ron Breault of Old Lyme, CT has owned and successfully campaigned his Sparkman & Stephens Dolphin 24 Marionette for a quarter century. He’s written a book about his custodianship of this lovely classic, Voyaging with Marionette, soon to be released by Whaler Books.   The book will contain the historical record of how finding, buying, restoring, maintaining, and using a ‘classic’ small sailboat opens doors – not just to enjoying sailing in…

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