Submitted by Boris Badenov


Be afraid. Be VERY Afraid!


International Society for Perpetuation of Cruelty to Racing Yachtsmen (ISPCRY) presented 79th annual awards ceremony, affectionately known as Mooseheads, on Sunday, November 8.

What is Moosehead Awards? As almost every Race Committee member in Northeast knows, Mooseheads is time-honored tradition recognizink special moments in sailboat racink specific to dubious decisions and actions taken by RCs. They call out RC screwups and try to convert them into (ahem) teaching moments, with eventual goal to Make Yacht Racing Great Again.

Mooseheads are not everyone’s cup of tea, but been presentink annually to sold out crowds at yacht clubs for 79 years so must be doing sometink right. For first time ever, 2020 Moosehead Awards is virtual event…but will live on Moosehead Awards YouTube channel for long time.

Theme every year is to have some fun. Mooseheads are unapologetic, have attitude and are irreverent, but are also self-deprecatink. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then don’t bother attendink. URL had not been established at this time of writink, but search web for “YouTube, the Mooseheads” and you will locate 2020 Moosehead COVID Classics. As they say in Murmansk, to err is human but for RCs to err is moose. ■

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