A Novel by Roger Vaughan
Published by Choptank Word Bank 210 pages
The thrilling sequel to Coming About, Roger Vaughan’s latest book Coming About finds the protagonist, wealthy wastrel Andy Moss, on another careening ride, this time aboard the yacht All American in “The Race,” a ‘round the world sprint not unlike the one that made a stopover in Newport last month. The author shares this passage from the Southern Ocean:
The crew had seen a couple of large bergs several miles off to starboard, but nothing closer. A bow watch for growlers was on constant, one-hour shifts, and nothing had been spotted. But they all knew sustaining speeds of around twenty knots day after day had to be putting a nasty strain on boat and gear.
The water never stopped flying, the boat’s many voices never stopped shouting, laughing, hollering, and screaming as it planed down fifteen-to-twenty-foot waves, slammed into rogue seas, and kept trying to take scary knockdowns. The work never stopped. The helmsmen held everyone’s well-being in their hands. After an hour at the helm they were toast, such was the effort to keep All American upright and in the groove, both safe and fast.
Roger Vaughan (rogervaughan.net) has written twenty books, seven of them about sailing including The Medal Maker (a biography of Victor Kovalenko), the Strenuous Life of Harry Anderson, Closing the Gap: World Sailing’s Emerging Nations Program, and Learning to Fly: America’s Cup XXXIII 2010. He lives, works and sails on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Coming Again is available at amazon.com. ■