Our friends at the New England Multihull Association (NEMA) are pleased to announce the 2025 Corsair Nationals – Buzzards Bay Multihull Regatta, to be held July 25-27 in Marion, MA.

“This regatta will be hosted again by the Beverly Yacht Club, which hosted our 2023 event very capably,” said NEMA Commodore Andy Houlding. “Corsair Marine is our prime sponsor and has committed to a four-year Corsair Nationals Series. In 2026, the Nationals will move to the West Coast, followed by a Nationals in the Great Lakes in 2027, and Florida in 2028, so this is the first of the series.”

“Our Corsair Nationals are not restricted to Corsairs,” Houlding continued. “Farriers are of course welcome, and the event is open to all trimarans between 19 and 41 feet. We will have trophies for multiple classes. The Regatta will include a distance race Friday, July 25 and buoy racing on Saturday and Sunday. This Regatta follows the Black Dog Dash on Saturday, July 19 at Martha’s Vineyard, and will be followed by the Newport Unlimited August 9 & 10. Boats competing in all three races will qualify for the NEMA Triple Crown.”

“We’re planning social events including a pizza party Friday after the distance race, and a dinner Saturday evening at BYC. Trophies will be awarded Sunday afternoon. We’re also planning some cruising events between the Black Dog Dash and the CN-BBMR, including a cookout on Cuttyhunk.”


Blackbird, a Corsair 28R sailed by Alex Bocconcelli (Woods Hole, MA), hopes to swoop on the NEMA Triple Crown. © Laurent Apollon


“Registration for the CN-BBMR is through Regatta Network, where you’ll also find the Notice of Race and a Notice Board where updates will be posted. We welcome volunteers to help with various aspects of the regatta, and especially with the cruising agenda, so please let us know if you’re willing to pitch in.”

In addition to title sponsor Corsair Marine, the CN-BBMR is sponsored by Colligo Marine and Bolt Depot. To learn more, visit nemasail.org. ■