I like the idea of mentoring [“Sailors Growing Sailors” by Molly Mulhern;], and have a suggestion with a slightly different twist. As we age and tasks aboard our boat become more taxing, I would like to start a program called “Adopt a Crew.” We, as boat owners, would share our knowledge and our boat with someone younger in exchange for crew duties. It would be a win-win arrangement. Is anyone aware of such a program in the Long Island Sound area?
Eileen Hawe, via email
Eileen – “Adopt a Crew” is an excellent idea. We are unaware of such a program on the Sound, although, since many younger sailors cannot afford a boat, this is an ideal time to launch one. Posting a “Skipper Looking for Crew” listing on the WindCheck Crew Connect board, which you’ll find at windcheckmagazine.com/crew_connect, is a great way to start.