Light on a clipper
In the article “Tall Ships on Canvas” [July 2013], author J. Russell Jinishian mentions that the clipper St. Mary ran into a British ship, Magellan. The Magellan belonged to Hemenway Browne of Boston (now Wessel, Duval & Co.) and was built in 1873 at the East Boston Shipyards. It was great to see the painting of the St. Mary and know the ship that was involved in the collision. We have been looking for information on the Magellan for many years and are wondering if you might have any information. It was a classic American clipper but we know very little of it. Are you able to shed some light on this clipper?
Frank Escalona, Wessel, Duval & Co.
Mr. Escalona – Thank you for your inquiry regarding the Clippership Magellan. We gleaned our information from a listing that appears in the American Clipperships (1850-1900) series by Frederick Matthews. I will provide you with the listing via email. I hope this is helpful. – Russell Jinishian
Nude Isn’t Rude
We strongly object to an insinuation in the article “Sensational St. Martin” by Nautical Mom in your December magazine. We stay at Club Orient – where the nude beach is located – and have for many years. We are not exhibitionists, but like, and enjoy, being in the state Nature intended, naked as the day we were born. If Nautical Mom is so uptight that she imagines that being naked, or seeing those who are, is disgusting, we feel sorry for her and her children for being raised this way. Additionally, we don’t need her to come and gawk at us as if we were specimens in a bottle, as so many from the cruise ships do.
Bill Gratz, via email
Bill – We appreciate and understand your objections. We like to think that our readership is intelligent enough to make their own decisions about where to bring their children when cruising. We’re sure Club Orient is a great place to relax, and frankly we’re envious of anyone recreating in environs warm enough to be able to do so ‘as Nature intended!’
Growing the Fleet
Fleet 5 has already received one new member as a result of the article [“The Benefits of Belonging to a Virtual Sailing Fleet”] in your December issue. If available, I would like to get 40 or 50 copies so I can distribute them to members and prospective members.
I see Nautical Mom also has an article in the December issue. I am not sure you know this, but she is a Fleet 5 member also. I appreciate all your help with this. I may try to put another article together somewhere in the next few months to see if you might have interest. The experience was good for me.
Tom Lanzilli, Captain, Fleet 5 Long Island Sound
Tom – Thank you for an excellent article. The copies are on the way, and we look forward to working with you again…perhaps a report on the next Fleet 5 Summer Cruise?