Tartan Yachts, a renowned name in the world of US-produced, premium quality performance offshore sailboats for over sixty years, is pleased to announce the appointment of Rick & Kimberly Dieterich of Springline Yacht Sales, LLC in Mystic, CT as the New England dealer for the Tartan sailboat brand. The Springline team will be responsible for introducing and developing he Tartan brand in New England, growing the rich legacy of Tartan.

Springline Yacht Sales is showcasing the Tartan 395 at the CT Spring Boat Show this month. © Billy Black
Tartan’s first connection with Springline Yacht Sales was in 2010 as the New England dealer for Tartan Yachts. The Dieterich’s share: “It’s great to be back in business with the Tartan Family,” said Rick Dieterich. “Over the decades, the Tartan brand has provided a brand-loyal customer base for Springline which we love to support and add new customers to.”
“With a proven track record selling and servicing the Tartan products in past years, and with a deep passion for sailing and a deep appreciation for Tartan’s legacy, Springline promises to bring new vibrancy to the Tartan brand sailboats in New England while maintaining the brand’s esteemed reputation,” said Mike Mullenberg, National Sales & Business Development Manager at Tartan Yachts.
The Tartan 395 will be on display and for sale at the CT Spring Boat Show, hosted by Safe Harbor Essex Island in Essex, CT the weekend of April 26-28. For more information on the 395, visit tartanyachts.com. To learn more about Springline Yacht Sales, log onto secureyourdream.com. ■