Come & Celebrate with Sails Up 4 Cancer

Sponsored by Mystic River Yacht Club, the Sails Up 4 Cancer Regatta is open to all, from serious racers vying for Eastern Connecticut Sailing Association points as well as weekend cruisers and daysailors. This regatta is meant to be fun while supporting a great cause.
Racing begins on the water in Fishers Island Sound in the vicinity of Seaflower Reef at 12pm. Registration is $50/yacht & includes four tickets to the shore party.
The Notice of Race can be found here:
Register to race via at
Skippers register their boats and recruit their friends and colleagues to help crew and raise funds. Skippers and crew members seek donations from friends, family, co-workers and employers to sponsor their boat.
Prizes will be awarded to top three finishers in each class.
Post Regatta Shore Party & Awards Ceremony starting at 5pm at Mystic Shipyard
Enjoy the post-regatta party BBQ with entertainment by Rock & Soul Revue. Open bar with wine, beer & the famous Dark-n-Stormy station! Silent auctions & surprises! Open to the public and non-sailors! Tickets $25/pp.
Sign up to volunteer!
Sail & Party to Support the Cause!
SU4C is a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding research in the education, prevention, care, and cure for all types of cancer through the art and enjoyment of sailing.
For additional information, contact Bob Davis at (860) 383-5405.