CRW 25 Box

Wetherill Box

Boat US Box

Gowrie Box Spring 23

Tucker Thompson on the America’s Cup

By Benjamin Cesare

Tucker Thompson on the America’s Cup

The 35th America’s Cup starts next month, and the regatta will be held in Bermuda for the very first time. The Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Qualifiers and Challenger Playoffs run from May 26 to June 12, 2017 and the America’s Cup Match presented by Louis Vuitton will be held June 17 & 18 and 24 – 27, 2017.

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Letter: An Evening with Gary Jobson

By Benjamin Cesare

Letter: An Evening with Gary Jobson

Dear Anne, Thanks again for all your efforts to arrange An Evening with Gary Jobson for American Yacht Club and member yacht clubs of the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound. It was a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Gary is truly a great speaker and storyteller! We appreciate North Sails, Regatta Ginger Beer and WindCheck for making this happen. After all the hard work, I hope you were able to enjoy the…

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