Ideal 18 racing in the Connecticut River at Essex
The inaugural Eastern Connecticut Women’s Invitation Ideal 18 Regatta will be held Saturday, May 20, hosted by the Essex Corinthian Yacht Club in Essex, CT.
The regatta is open to boats of the Ideal 18 class owned by or chartered to a recognized yacht club. This is a non-spinnaker regatta. Both the Essex Corinthian and Essex Yacht Clubs will have Ideal 18s available for charter. Both Skipper and Crew must be women.
Eligible skippers may enter by completing the entry form and emailing it to racechair@essexcorinthian.org by April 30. Entry forms are available at ECYC or online at www.essexcorinthian.org
Skippers will draw for boat assignments at the Skippers’ meeting to be held at ECYC at 1200 on the day of the race. First gun will be at 1300. Up to six races are scheduled. Courses will be windward-leeward in Essex Harbor.
Results will be announced and prizes will be awarded at the Awards Party, which starts at 1630 at ECYC. A $50 entry fee for this regatta, per boat, is payable by check or cash at the Skippers’ meeting.