Milford, Conn.─ Take the BOAT AMERICA class and complete the proctored test all on the same day in the same location at U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Milford Flotilla starting on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at 8 a.m. at its Training Center located at 1 Helwig Street, Milford, the location for all classes listed below.

For advance registration prior to the class date, go to . You can sign up here for the class and pay by credit card online. After you register for the course, instructions for the BOAT AMERICA course will be emailed to you. To pay at the door by check or cash, arrive at 7:30 a.m.

All students must obtain a State of Connecticut conservation ID number before taking the BA/PWC/TOW class. To register for a FREE ID number: go to

BOAT AMERICA will cover all the basic topics required for the safe operation of recreational boating and seamanship. It will also cover safe personal watercraft operation and towing. Successful completion of this 8-hour BA course satisfies the Connecticut licensing requirements for boats, personal watercraft (PWC) and towing. Family participation is encouraged. Cost is $70 per person.

Additional boating classes are set on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to approximately 4:30 p.m. for February 22, March 15, April 12, May 10, June 7, July 12, August 9 and September 6.

Navigation and GPS Charting classes are set for April 26 and June 28, from 8 a.m. to approximately 4:30 p.m. Cost is $70 per person.

For additional information about U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary courses, please call Dennis Belanger, public education officer, at 203-494-5219, email him at or visit

For more information on U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary safe boating classes, please visit

A brief history of the USCG Auxiliary

When the Coast Guard “Reserve” was authorized by act of Congress on June 23, 1939, the Coast Guard was given a legislative mandate to use civilians to promote safety on and over the high seas and the nation’s navigable waters.

On Feb. 19, Congress amended the 1939 act with passage of the Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941. Passage of this act designated the Reserve as a military branch of the active service, while the civilian section, formerly referred to as the Coast Guard Reserve, became the Auxiliary under title 14, chapter 23 of the USC. Milford Flotilla was chartered on November 1, 1942 and celebrated its 70thanniversary in 2022. When we entered World War II, 50,000 Auxiliary members joined the war effort as military teams. Many of their private vessels were placed into service in an effort to protect the U.S. For the Milford Flotilla, it was the Connecticut shoreline on Long Island Sound. Semper Paratus – Always Ready!

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