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Newport Yacht Club

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110 Long Wharf
Newport,RI02840United States

April 2019

Eagle Class 53 Presentation

April 6, 2019 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Newport Yacht Club, 110 Long Wharf
Newport,RI02840United States
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In this presentation, hosted by Newport Yacht Club and sponsored by the New England Multihull Association, FastForward Composites will discuss the design and construction of the Eagle Class 53 catamaran and its Hybrid Wingsail.  This new sail design comprises a hard wing sail that can rotate freely while the boat is moored, and a soft sail hoisted aft of the wing to provide camber and lift. The organizers will have pizza for NEMA members, and there’s a cash bar. …

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May 2019

Mitchell Memorial Regatta

May 25, 2019
Newport Yacht Club, 110 Long Wharf
Newport,RI02840United States
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A relaxed event with an emphasis on fun, this annual non-spinnaker race from Newport, Rhode Island to Block Island was started by Newport Yacht Club Past Commodore Cliff Mitchell in honor of his grandfather.

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June 2019

Bermuda One-Two Yacht Race

June 8, 2019
Newport Yacht Club, 110 Long Wharf
Newport,RI02840United States
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Sponsored by Newport Yacht Club and the St. George’s Dinghy & Sports Club and first sailed in 1977, this 22nd biennial series (in memory of Geoffrey Spranger and Bjorn Johnson) comprises a singlehanded race from Newport to Bermuda and a doublehanded race from Bermuda back to Newport that starts June 20.

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July 2024

New England SOLO/TWIN Championships

July 26 - July 27
Newport Yacht Club, 110 Long Wharf
Newport,RI02840United States
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Sponsored by Newport Yacht Club, Goat Island Yacht Club, and the Rhode Island State Yachting Committee, this single- and double-handed event with courses from 65-125 miles in length, is open to monohulls and multihulls.

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