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Zim Sailing

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33 Broadcommon Road, Unit 1
Bristol,RI02809United States

April 2019

Zim Sailing Spring Sale and Boat Swap

April 6, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Zim Sailing, 33 Broadcommon Road, Unit 1
Bristol,RI02809United States
+ Google Map

Zim Sailing, the largest manufacturer and distributor of small sailboats in North America, is hosting their annual Spring Sale and Boat Swap on Saturday, April 6 from 9 am to 3 pm at their facility in Bristol, Rhode Island. Zim will be offering special pricing on boats, stand up paddleboards, parts and sailing apparel, and Zim staff will be giving tours of their world-class facility.  The Boat Swap component of the Spring Sale is an excellent way…

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