Our friends at the New Haven Sail & Power Squadron in New Haven, Connecticut are offering a pair of online virtual Safe Boating classes via Zoom.
TheMarine Navigation (formerly Piloting) course starts Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 7 p.m. for eight weeks. Learn the essentials of safe coastal and inland navigation using basic GPS in conjunction with charts and other marine data. The course teaches you how to use the GPS along with traditional dead reckoning techniques for planning and laying out safe routes, as well as ensuring that you are on-course while underway.
The course fee is$80 for members and $100 for non-members of United States Power Squadrons. The Sign-up deadline is Wednesday, December 30. For more information and registration, contact Past Commander Peter DePascale at 203-671-2420 or email bathworksinc@gmail.com.
TheBoat Handling (formerly Seamanship) course starts virtually Wednesday, March 3 and runs for eight weeks. The Boat Handling course contains material applicable to both power and sail, covering such topics as the construction and functioning of a boat, the skipper’s responsibilities, preparing the boat for use, handling and maneuvering a vessel under various conditions in close quarters and on the open water, rules of the road, anchoring, emergencies, and marlinespike/basic knots.
The cost is $80 for USPS members and $100 for non-members. For more information and registration, contact Past Commander Art Andrea at 203-641-0954 or email scoochman28@outlook.com.
A part of America’s Boating Club, the New Haven Sail & Power Squadron (NHSPS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by teaching classes in seamanship, navigation, and related subjects. For information on NHSPS, please visit www.nhsps.org.