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Jamestown Art Center

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18 Valley Street
Jamestown,RI02835United States
(401) 560-0979jamestownartcenter.org

January 2019

Photography Workshop with Onne van der Wal

January 22, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Jamestown Art Center, 18 Valley Street
Jamestown,RI02835United States
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In this 2-session course, award-winning photographer and Canon Explore of Light One van der Was will explain in a clear, concise and humorous way how to use your DSLR. You’ll learn how to stop using the P or Auto mode and start using all the settings the pros use to create stunning imagery.

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Photography Workshop with Onne van der Wal

January 29, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Jamestown Art Center, 18 Valley Street
Jamestown,RI02835United States
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In this 2-session course, award-winning photographer and Canon Explorer of Light Onne van der Wal will explain in a clear, concise and humorous way how to use your DSLR. You’ll learn how to stop using the P or Auto mode and start using all the settings the pros use to create stunning imagery.

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January 2020

Photography Workshop with Onne van der Wal

January 21, 2020 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

One event on January 28, 2020 at 7:30pm

Jamestown Art Center, 18 Valley Street
Jamestown,RI02835United States
+ Google Map

© yachtracingimage.com In this 2-session course, award-winning photographer and Canon Explorer of Light Onne van der Wal will explain how to use your DSLR in a clear, concise and humorous way. You’ll learn how to stop using the P or Auto mode and start using all the settings the pros use to create stunning imagery. To register, please visit http://vanderwal.com/workshops-lectures/  

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