Author: Vincent Pica

From the Captain of the Port

Technology Overload & the Private Boater – Talking Cell Phones, Part 2

By Vincent Pica

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Previously, we talked in the past about cell phones aboard boats and the issues thereto. And they are fantastic devices – and therein lay another issue. As the functionality of cell phones starts to rival computers (did I say “rival” – I should have said “outpaces!”), we are right at the cusp of technology overload. This can’t be good for safety of life at sea. This column is about that.   U.S. Coast Guard Advisory On October…

From the Captain of the Port

For the Boaters You Love

By Vincent Pica

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With Valentine’s Day in the offing, it is time for all those who stand a watch and wait for the return of those that went to sea to think about being the “safety officer” before they go! And, skipper, how about the love you have for those that go to sea with you – kids, grandkids and mates – and creating the safest environment aboard that is feasible or possible?   From the Heart to the Head…

From the Captain of the Port

Service is a Rare and Precious Privilege

By Vincent Pica

Article Cover

Many have heard me say, and hopefully act in fidelity with, the words above. While all Coast Guard Auxiliarists have the absolute option to say, “No, sorry. I just can’t do ‘x’ for you,” the vast majority of us say, “Yes, yes and yes” when asked to undertake some task for active-duty. You may notice that I didn’t say “the U.S. Coast Guard” because I didn’t want to subtly imply that Coast Guard Auxiliarists aren’t part of…

From the Captain of the Port

We All Get Heavier As We Age- Even Our Boats!

By Vincent Pica

Or “Physician Heal Thyself”; Luke 4:23* As we (probably) all make New Year’s resolutions to go on a diet, we keep getting reminded that we are getting heavier as we get older. No matter where we turn, someone is telling us that we are getting fat and need to be thinner! Guess what? So are our boats! Yes, as boats get older, they get heavier and that has a lot to do with being less “sea-kindly” and…

From the Captain of the Port

Sounding Smart on the Radio

By Vincent Pica

There is a natural tendency to shy away from the unfamiliar, especially when you can’t get the words back. Remember the first time you were faced with a phone message machine: “Leave your answer after the beep” – BEEP! Now what? Even today, that beep can strike fear into the hearts of some. Now, how about multiplying that a hundred-fold to everyone tuned to VHF channel 16…? Some Basics Unless you know the cell phone number of…

From the Captain of the Port

Is Your Boat “Documented” – and Should She Be?

By Vincent Pica

All of us are familiar with registering our vessels with the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Like a car, DMV wants to know her horsepower, fuel type (gas or diesel) and the Hull Identification Number, or HIN. This is the on-the-water equivalent of a car’s VIN. You are required to display on each side of the bow the state registration numbers, followed by the expiration sticker itself. But is your boat eligible for documenting with the USCG…

From the Captain of the Port

Just Where is Magnetic North – And What’s a “Triple Alignment?”

By Vincent Pica

Article Cover

There are three kinds of “norths” – Magnetic, True and Grid. Why are there differences between them? This column is about that. The small English village of Langton Matravers, on the Dorset coast of the United Kingdom, until recently had just one small claim to fame. In 1914, a young Ian Fleming, later the author of the James Bond novels, attended prep school there. But on November 2, 2022, Langton Matravers wrote itself another footnote in the…

From the Captain of the Port

Summer’s Here, but the Water’s Cold!

By Vincent Pica

Although summer is close aboard, the water will be cold for several weeks and you need to be aware of how dangerous that can be – if you aren’t prepared and savvy. This column is about that. Warm Air, Cold Water = Risks! I like a warm day early in the season as much as the next mariner, but the water itself is just about as deadly as in the deep of winter. Remember that water takes…

From the Captain of the Port

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

By Vincent Pica

With Earth Day as the annual reminder (it was 4/22!), we recall this expression that goes back to Biblical days – when there were fewer people and even fewer boats. If each generation wants to hand over these waterways to their children and grandkids in the condition that we were entrusted them with, there are a few simple rules, rubrics and guidelines to follow, even if your neighbor doesn’t. And every storm ups the challenge as storm…

From the Captain of the Port

“Get Me in This Thing.” – Joining the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

By Vincent Pica

In the days that followed September 11, 2001, those words kept running through my head…What could I do that would be something more concrete than writing a check to the Red Cross? While many Americans turned to volunteerism in order to put their hearts, hands and minds at work, I was faced with two realities. At nearly 48, I wasn’t exactly what the Army Recruiter at Times Square in New York had as #1 on his list…

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