CRW 25 Box

Wetherill Box

CT Spring Boat Show 25 Box

Gowrie Box Spring 23
Publisher's Log

Call to a Greater Energy

By Chris Gill

Call to a Greater Energy

One of the most difficult decisions for a captain and crew to make in the sport of sailing is when to call it quits. There are many reasons to pull out of a race: no wind, too much wind, illness, and damage to the boat among them. And yet in more than 35 years of racing I had never withdrawn from a distance race until the Chicago Yacht Club’s 109th Race to Mackinac in July. During my…

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Letter: Whither the Rules?

By Benjamin Cesare

Letter: Whither the Rules?

I was pleased to learn someone with your yachting pedigree gives credence to my earlier observations regarding the inadequacy of the Rules of the Road with respect to certain craft in certain situations. I hope we’re not excreting to windward and that the powers that be hear our canary. It is, indeed, an issue that needs prompt treatment.

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Letter: Swallows, Amazons, and Memories

By Benjamin Cesare

Letter: Swallows, Amazons, and Memories

I’m 87, and grew up sailing in Long Island’s Little Neck Bay. My heart skipped a beat when I read your mention of Swallows and Amazons [“Summer Reading,” July 2017]. As an 11-year-old girl, I fell in love with the book. I introduced a grandson to it when he was little; he followed in my love of sailing and crewed in the 2015 Transatlantic Race!

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Letter: Eight Bells: Robie Pierce

By Bill Sandberg

Letter: Eight Bells: Robie Pierce

The world of sailing, especially adaptive sailing, lost a great friend when Robie Pierce of Newport, RI passed away peacefully on July 12 at 76 years, surrounded by his family. Known by many names – The Mayor of the Waterfront, Swamp Yankee, Borisll Logical Bob, Mr. Magoo, or just Bob,

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On Watch

On Watch – Chris O’Brien

By Benjamin Cesare

On Watch – Chris O’Brien

This winter we bumped into each other in a local pub when Chris zoomed over in his wheelchair to say hello. I said, “If you can do that, you can push a tiller back and forth and you can sail.” Chris enthusiastically agreed it was time, and we would enter the Robie Pierce ‘Beyond Disabilities’ One-Design Regatta. I said, “Don’t worry, we’ll take it easy. Chris replied, typically, “The heck with that. I’m going for the win!” My skipper had issued my orders.

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