CRW 25 Box

Wetherill Box

CT Spring Boat Show 25 Box

Gowrie Box Spring 23

Sailing Fitness in the Off-Season

By Chris Szepessy

Sailing Fitness in the Off-Season

Temperatures hover around freezing, the daylight hours are short and those sailing boots have most likely been pushed to the farthest depths of your closet. By now, most boats are hibernating safely in the garage or basement. Yes, it’s winter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay in “sailing shape” during the off-season…and it might be easier than you think!

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Sound Environment

Seas of Change: The Restoration of Ecosystem Services at Stratford Point

By Benjamin Cesare

Seas of Change: The Restoration of Ecosystem Services at Stratford Point

by JENNIFER MATTEI, MARK BEEKEY AND JOHN RAPAGLIA  Over geologic history, the seas have risen and fallen, following the decline or increase in the volume of the world’s glaciers and ice caps. Currently, glaciers are melting, ocean temperatures are increasing and seas are rising at an accelerated rate. People living by the sea have attempted to block rising waters and prevent subsequent coastal erosion by armoring the shoreline. One method of armoring the shoreline is building a seawall….

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