CRW 25 Box

Wetherill Box

Boat US Box

Gowrie Box Spring 23
From the Captain of the Port


By Vincent Pica


We’ve had some foggy mornings and as we make the “clubhouse turn” towards cool air and warm water, we will have more. For those of a more scientific-bent, fog that forms when water is warmer than the air is called “steam” fog (fall).

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Book Review

Pacific Crossing Notes

By Chris Szepessy

Pacific Crossing Notes

Together with their son Nicky, who crossed his first ocean at age four, the authors have spent four years living and cruising aboard their Dufour 35 Namani, first sailing from Greece to the Caribbean and on to Maine, then from Maine to Australia. They’ve compiled a very readable cruising guide that covers everything from buying and equipping a boat, preparing for a long passage, understanding weather, and safety at sea to detailed information about the islands along the route

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